about me

I was inspired by China’s rapidly growing economy and believed that the most prosperous opportunities would be over there. So, I started learning Mandarin when I was fourteen. I studied it until I was finally ready to move over there and do a semester abroad. My plans changed when the pollution levels were so severe that Tianjin declared a state of emergency. The realization came to me that I needed to find a new path forward.

After reading David Epstein’s “Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World” I decided to temporarily leave college and enroll in a coding boot camp. From there I found a passion to code. I have always been full of ideas on how to make things better, but prior to the program, I had no way of bringing them into reality. Now, I do. Having an idea combined with the technical skills to bring that idea to reality is extremely satisfying. Even if I do not know how to do something, I have found that almost any topic can be learned on Udemy.

My goal is to become an indispensable leader in the fields of data science and software development. To achieve this I am always learning new skills and taking online classes. For now, my focus is on becoming a great developer and data scientist. But, I am also interested in other technical, managerial, and financial positions if they should ever present themself.